Last year, my amazing team worked on creating an advertising and persuasion unit that we LOVED teaching!
We learned about persuasion and wrote persuasive letters. Then, we learned about ad campaigns. I tried to really have them analyze the tactics of different forms of advertisements. ie, Jingles are supposed to be catchy so they will stick in your head. Billboards are supposed to be large and with few words so that you read them as you drive by, etc etc.
The kids worked in groups to create their own ad campaigns about a candy of their choice. They wrote commercials and jingles all on their own, and let me tell you, they were a hoot!!! Then, we created slogans and billboards...
(This one says "The Ultimate Kiss" was so hard not to laugh when they told me this was their slogan.)
As you can tell, I was VERY hands-off with these, because I really wanted the design, sketch, planning etc to really be their own...These sweet little billboards make me smile, because it is genuine 2nd grade work all the way!! :)
(The group above wrote their jingle to the tune of "Firework" by Katy Perry, complete with choreography. Absolutely hysterical.)
(Notice the "Gummy Bears are at CVS"? haha)
So now, I've got to find a way to make this into a 5th grade unit...I really want to do something with social media as a form of advertising! Any ideas?