Sunday, September 25, 2011

Classroom Changes

Moving to a new grade-level has a learning curve. Here is part of mine: I didn't realize how much space the kids would take up! I know they are bigger, but it is different than I expected when they are all in a room. I did not plan well for this ! Rookie mistake! :)

My 26 precious babies were squeezed in too tight with my old arrangement, and I knew I had to make some adjustments for the sake of comfort and organization.

I had these lovely round tables at the beginning...I love tables, but I didn't have enough tables for the kids. Plus I couldn't be as flexible with the room arrangements.

But I traded them in for desks...They are still in groups, so it is working out great!

Ah, my beloved table!!! It has been my favorite place in my classroom ever since I started teaching, but it is was too large..

But this smaller replacement table has been great...

Now we are enjoying a more spacious classroom! It is crazy how a more comfortable, spacious environment helps the kids behave better.

In other news, I am so behind on blogging about some of the things we have been doing! Here is our Idioms Chart!

Also, here is an anchor chart that goes with a lesson from Tanny MccGregor's book, Comprehension Connections. It is one of my favorite professional books ever, and I would HIGHLY recommend it!

So, not my best poster but it makes the point :)


  1. I must have that book! Googling it now.
    Room looks great! :)

  2. I couldn't believe the difference in size from third graders to fourth graders...yikes..they're like teens!! Your room looks awesome! I'm gonna have to look into getting that book. Love your anchor chart!! Love your idioms poster too...we just did similes and are doing idioms this week:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. I love that metacognition poster!!!

  4. Wow, great idea to switch up the furniture! It'd be hard to give up tables!

  5. @ Tara and Abby, the book is WONDERFUL! The kids LOVE every single lesson I do out of it.
